Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Play hard then work hard?

Well the Concert Band ball was last Saturday and first of all I have to say it was one of the best nights out I've had in ages. I checked into the hotel about 2 and then we immediately headed out to a bar to watch the cup final.

Originally thinking that playing West Ham would be a walkover was a mistake as they played a fantastic match which went to extra time (issues for rehearsals) and penalties but Liverpool won (get in!) which to be honest is the main thing.

Getting back and sound checking and then getting ready all kind of went past in a haze and before you knew it, everyone else was showing up and we were getting ready to play. The set went really well, quickly followed by dinner and then the speeches and a new rousing arrangement of happy birthday which Jamez had arranged last minute, as per ;)

Time swiftly moved past and before we knew it the bar was closing and we were looking for a new place to move onto. Eventually collapsing into bed around half 2 was a blessing after a great night with great friends.

Unfortunately the last few days at work have been fairly long as we try to complete everything before the deadline but it should all be worth it, especially as our manager has agreed to get the drinks in when we head to the pub on Friday, result :D

1 comment:

Xiphi said...

Coooooooooome ooooooooooooooooon yoooooooooooooooou Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeds!!!

Was a wicked match :o)