Saturday, February 25, 2006

Getting back to normal

Ok, so checking back I haven't posted anything for a couple of weeks, but I think I can justify it.

Last weekend was the O&S weekend in Grimsby, which didn't involve as early a start as originally thought but did give me the opportunity to get mentioned on the radio. Nothing too exciting (and I did forget to leave my name) but having spotted an accident in the tailback from another accident outside Oxford my report of it got read out.

The weekend itself was very good, if a little tiring. But we managed to get through the AGM with the decisions that we were hoping for, and even though we were a little short numbered for the concert everyone agreed that it was a great concert that showed just how much hard work we'd put into it.

Going up there tired probably didn't help what with sleeping on a floor but I think I'm fairly well caught up now, just need to avoid all the colds and flus that have been going round work, especially as I've agreed to give a demo on Wednesday as part of a large site wide event to show exactly what it is that each team uses.

Apart from that still trying to play Ultimate and get better at things, a couple of knocks to the chest meant I wasn't playing for as long as possible, but still got the score on the first one so it wasn't that bad.

1 comment:

Xiphi said...

Don't forget that you also put the luvverly pics of our fajitas online ;o)